The Minecraft User Guide

The first step to Minecraft is to make an account. To do this go to and click Register in the top right corner. Fill out the information. Check the "I accept the terms..." checkbox. After that click the Store button and click Buy Minecraft. Fill out the information again. Finish the form. Click game and download Minecraft. Now open minecaft and login. Now that your on Minecraft, hit singleplayer and then click create new world. After you've done that Minecraft will give you options.For example: What gamemode your in, id cheats are on and the name of the world. When your done hit create.

Now that your in your world you need to know how to move: W is forward, S is backward, A is left, D is right and Space is jump. The other controls are: Mouse movement is look around, left click is break block or hit, right click is place block or use,left shift is sneak or crouch, W W is sprint, E is inventory, Q is drop, T is chat Tab is list players. You can change most of these by pressing Escape (Esc)